New Shed
A few weekends' worth of work, I got me a little lean-to shed built :)
Saw a snek in here last time I mowed, so I decided to make a place for it a little further away from the house.
Nope, my boss at Lowry's had a big pile of old pallets for free, so I grabbed a few, planning to go ahead and make a shed out of the boards
Made use of my concrete mixer this time (note to self: put the water in FIRST, start it up, and slowly pour the concrete powder in).
Now for the framing. I married together two 2x4's for the posts, because I read somewhere that it was less prone to bowing and such, because it was two different woodgrains working with each other... but mostly because 2 2x4s is way cheaper than 1 4x4
Originally, I had decided that I couldn't use the pallet boards because they were too old and brittle. But in the end, I found a use for them after all...
And then the west wall. I made a little nook for the firewood to be stacked away from the rest of the shed interior
Used the scrap pieces to make a skirting for the storage building wall, so I don't have to worry about crawly things coming at me from underneath it